
Gary Grover Recommendation of Stewart Brown’s seminar “Encouraging Mentors-Healthy Church”

“Recently, I experienced the power of God at a weekend seminar you presented at our local church.  The seminar was entitled “Encouraging Mentors” and in the days and months prior to attending I had been experiencing a “dry bones” valley in my walk.  I was going through the motions of my Christian walk, but my zeal had somehow left.  I’m happy to say that after attending your weekend seminar I was lifted out of that despair – praise be to God!  I not only appreciated the depth of your teachings, but the many scriptures you shared were meaningful, well-organized, lovingly presented, and very relevant for me.  One particular truth you shared over and over will stay with me forever and it truly changed the way I view others.

You simply said: ” … we should never view or look at people where they are now or where they’ve come from, but instead we should always view people as to WHO they can BECOME in and through Jesus Christ our Lord!”

Somehow, that truth … changed me …. it lifted me!  It refreshed me! I now look at people …. more lovingly … and more accepting … of WHO they are and WHERE they are in their walk.  Thanks be to God! Please keep using the teaching gift the Lord has given you … you’ve been blessed … to be a blessing!“

Gary Grover,

Systems Administrator, Chatham Christian Schools,

Chatham, Ontario

“ I can tell you that we were not only helped but truly blessed by Stewart’s wisdom and his warmth. He demonstrates what he teaches. He connected with our leadership and congregation. If you engage Dr. Brown to come to your church, I have no doubt that his teaching on “Creating a Real Welcoming Church Culture” will have an immediate and long-term impact on the health of your congregation…”

Pastor Carter, Halifax

Thank you for “ The Welcoming Church” seminar. Your joyful delivery and biblical content will help us tremendously.

–Pastor Porter, Halifax

“…Some very positive comments about your presentation, Stewart. …What you did for me was not just a demo– I think God wanted to show me once again that He is able to do above what we can ask or imagine.“

– Wayne, SK men’s retreat

(Encouraging Mentors Seminar)

“…I have read the first couple of chapters of Majesty in Motion and really like it. It is very readable and has great things to say. …I can already see how it will be used by God with believers.”

–Cathy in USA

(response to this award-winning book on experiencing God’s deep encouragement).

Wonderful response to “Encouraging Mentors” seminar at Centre Street Church, Calgary AB. No complaints to the first seminar, except for lack of time. Evaluation responses included 4.5 out of 5 regarding recommending this seminar to others!

“It was the Lord Himself teaching (Encouraging Mentors) through you! You are helping us become encouragers for the Lord’s flock in Cuba”

response of Christian leaders and new disciples in training conferences at Nicaro and Banes, Cuba

“Pastor Juan Llaca and his wife (of Cuba) …shared your Majesty in Motion book with me and…encouraged me to translate it into Spanish so it can be a blessing to more people.. I fell in love with this book …. I want to THANK YOU for the great encouragement it has been to me and how it is changing my life!”

_ response of Nilka of Venezuela (now living in Argentina).

She now does all my Spanish document translations.